Our vision is to enable your marketing success by providing you with the marketing knowledge, marketing tools and marketing support that you need in order for you to make logical, impactful, and cost-effective marketing decisions.

We believe that five key components are required for marketing success: Customer Focus,  Market planning Focus,  Creative focus,  Action Focus (tactical implementation) and Measurement Focus.

Customer Focus:

Commercial success begins and ends with the customer. We provide the marketing services and marketing tools you need to move potential leads through the buying process from awareness to advocacy by helping you:

  • Identify who your customers are (Customer targeting and Segmentation)
  • Communicate with them appropriately depending on where they are in the buying process.
  • Engage with customers wherever they want you to engage with them (online or offline).

We can help you engage, communicate and convert prospects to customers, wherever they are.

Planning Focus:

We believe in knowledge-based decision making. For this reason, we begin by seeking to understand your marketing situation such as:

  • What are your specific business goals and objectives?
  • How are your products and service viewed by the marketplace?
  • What are the key challenges and opportunities faced by you, your customers and competitors?
  • What are the key strategies necessary to help you meet your goals and objectives?
  • What tactics and programs can you employ to implement your strategies?
  • How will you measure the success or failure of your tactics?

We can help plan for marketing success and to implement the plan in the marketplace.


It has been said and we firmly believe it, that it is actually creativity, that is the mother of all invention. To us creativity is a function of experiences, knowledge, circumstances and risk profile.

That is why we will bring our creativity and enthusiasm to everything we do, for you:

  • Understanding your business and market
  • Designing and conducting market research
  • Facilitating your business planning process
  • Developing marketing strategies and recommendations
  • Marketing management of your your products and brands
  • Creating and implementing marketing campaigns
  • Measuring the results!

Action: (Strategic and Tactical Implementation)

It is easy to plan it is not as easy to implement that plan.

We love to be part of implementing the recommendations that we make and to see them through to a successful conclusion.


In the fast moving environment that we operate in today, there is often very little time to take a step back and actually determine if the tactics have been effective. Have they achieved what they were intended to,  and to what extent? If they have not met the strategies and goals, why not?  What has been learned and how can that be applied to move the business forward?

At Cognisus, we believe that strategies and tactics need to be measured and analysed to ensure that the business evolves and remains successful.